// SSIS Expressions I Often Use

SQL Server SSIS 2 min.

featured image SSIS Expressions I Often Use If either you are doing your SSIS by hand or using the BIML framework, you’ve came across the expressions and the expression-builder. This is a helper list, with my most often used, and wich are allways forgotten when I need them, of my commonly used SSIS expressions. Strings Filename from fully qualified pathstring RIGHT([FilePath],FINDSTRING(REVERSE([FilePath]),”\”,1) – 1) Folderpath from fully qualified pathstring SUBSTRING([FilePath], 1, LEN([FilePath]) – FINDSTRING(REVERSE([FilePath] ), “\” ,1 ) + 1) Foldername from fully qualified pathstring TOKEN[FilePath],”\”,TOKENCOUNT([FilePath],”\”) – 1) This is only for SSIS2012 and onwards. [...]

// SSISDB crash – Certificate, asymmetric key or private key data invalid

SQL Server ssis 2 min.

featured image SSISDB crash – Certificate, asymmetric key or private key data invalid One of my longterm customers had a database-server crash a while ago. The server would not spin up after reboot. The SSISDB crash also gave problems. The whole installation including tweeks and other stuff had to be re-attached to a new and fresh installation of SQL Server 2012. It was s fairly young BI-server, so the damage was not that big after all. Untill today… SSISDB crash The development of SSIS project to maintain the BI sollution had to be deployed to the SSISDB catalog. [...]